Mindfulness With Jo


Mindfulness is both an attitude and a practice. It begins with a desire to be more present in our lives and with our lived experience. To be able to be ok with things just as they are, even if there is difficulty. As Jon Kabat Zinn says - "you can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf.” But it takes practice because our minds our often very busy and we have become used to experiencing life as a series of ‘doings’ rather through a state of ‘being’.

I find Mindfulness effective for anxiety management, particularly when combined with breathing techniques and other body-based grounding practices. I use it every day and my life is all the calmer for it.

If you are interested in finding out more and in exploring mindfulness for yourself then you might enjoy 1-2-1 sessions or take part in an 8-week Mindfulness Course. Both these options can be done face to face or online using Zoom.

And if you just want to dip your toe in the water and check me out then feel free to book onto my weekly guided meditation sessions which take place on Thursday evenings on Zoom at 9.00 pm.

With love from Jo x